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Tropical Leaves


Committed to the Development of Local Horticulture

Coming together from a wide variety of backgrounds and experiences, our committee is the backbone of Bovingdon Gardeners Their ideas and commitment help shape the direction and mission of our organization as it continues to develop. Read on to learn more about some of our incredible team.


Chair of  Bovingdon Gardeners and Spring Show Secretary


Gillian took over as Chair in March 2024 in addition to her long-standing role as Spring Show Secretary.
My aim is for Bovingdon Gardeners to bring together all residents of Bovingdon and the local neighbourhood – single people, married couples and families – to promote friendship, the exchange of knowledge and health benefits through gardening.
My grandchildren love helping in our garden. When I’m not looking after them, I spend most of my spare time gardening. In spring, I grow daffodils for showing and throughout the rest of the year I grow tomatoes, cucumbers and chillies in the greenhouse as well as caring
for the plants in our extensive borders.

Garden type: A Garden for All Seasons

Favourite flower: It’s got to be daffodils!
Favourite vegetable: Tomatoes

Gillian Johansson


Ron Smith

Ron was previously Chairman of the Society for some years.  He continues his roles of editor for the Year Book and provides e-mail services.  He has taken of the task of webmaster.  His stated mission is that 'The society strive to make an active contribution to our community'. 

'In my garden I make room for some fruit and vegetables and with the help of others the grapes are turned into wine. The rest of the time the garden is for sitting in and relaxing'.


Garden type: Informal English

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John Hislam

Committee Member

John was previously treasurer.  Following his move from Berkhamsted to Bovingdon he began helping his wife, Philomena, to re-model their garden and they are both hoping that their hard work will soon start to show rewards.


Garden Type: English

Favourite Plant: Alstroemeria

Favourite Veg: Asparagus

Interest: Trying to grow good vegetables


Mike Leon

Mike was instrumental in reviving the society in the mid 70's after it had been closed down for a number of years and has been a loyal member ever since  

Garden type: Cottage and English Country

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John Walker

John is an enthusiastic amateur gardener and exhibiter at the BDHS shows,  He has been one of the three show secretaries for a number of years now.


Garden type -  English country

Favourite plant – Daffodil

Favourite veg – Leek

Interest – Carrying out the orders of the Head Gardener !

Treasurer and Autumn Show Secretary


Glynis Tustin

Summer Show Secretary and Committee Member



Garden type: 


Doreen Woods

Social Events & Newsletter Editor

Doreen Woods writes our quarterly newsletters as well as articles for the Bovingdon News, the village magazine. She also organises a society seed order to Thompson and Morgan each November which usually has a 50% discount for members.


This year Doreen has the added role of organising our winter/spring talks.


Doreen is a keen gardener and" plantaholic" who is interested in the history and design of gardens.  



Garden type:   Small Cottage Garden

Favourite plant: Anything with a scent

Favourite Veg: French Beans  

Interest:  Garden history & design

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Dave Billington

Committee Member

Dave has exhibited at the Bovingdon Gardeners shows and helped at the social evening events

Garden type: English Country

Favourite Plant: Trailing begonia 

Interest: Trying to grow plants in containers and hanging baskets 

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Claire Winter 

Committee Member

Three years ago, Steve and I moved to Bovingdon and I joined the club 

I am interested in organic gardening and growing wild and native flowers particularly to encourage bees and other insects.

I love visiting other gardens and getting idea to incorporate in my garden.  I am going to create an Elizabethan knot garden at the rear of my house this year 

Favourite garden style; Any garden with loads of colour

Favourite flower; Cornflowers 

Favourite vegetable; Courgettes 

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